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Schematic Capture, Simulation and PCB Design

Trusted Across the World

Proteus VSM Simulation was the world’s first schematic based micro-controller simulation tool and quickly became a de-facto standard for teaching embedded systems within education. Today, Proteus supports more processor families along with more embedded peripherals and more technologies than any other tool on the market and remains a world leader in the field.

The Proteus PCB Design and Layout tools have successfully served both commercial and educational needs for over twenty-five years. Students benefit from exposure to professional grade tools with an intuitive user interface and a quick learning curve.

Pricing and Licensing

Substantial discounts - of up to 95% or more off - are available for educational use of Proteus.
"Site" licenses are sold for a certain number of users, and the software may be installed on any number of workstations, so long as the number of individuals using the software at the same time does not exceed the user-limit.

"Student Licenses" are also included with site-licenses of 25 users or more - students can use these licenses to install the software on their own computers, for use when away from the lab.

The software will never expire, however it can be renewed anually in order to continue receiving the latest updates to it. New student licenses are also provided with license renewals.

As an example, pricing on a 50-user educational license with VSM (simulation) for PIC16, Advanced Simulation Features, and PCB Design Level 2 would be as follows:
Module Price Saving
VSM for PIC16 Series R22,500* 91%
Advanced Simulation Features R15,000* 91%
PCB Design Level 2 R37,500* 92%

Request a Quote

Simulation Advantages

Some of the advantages of using "virtual" hardware include:
  • No need to source / stock components. Virtual components are always in stock.
  • "Virtual Instruments". Proteus includes 11 types of virtual instruments as standard - oscilloscopes, logic analysers and pattern generators can all be easily used in a design.
  • Indesctructability. It is impossible to blow-up virtual components or instruments.
  • Circuits can be "pre-assembled" and easily digitally distributed to the students. This saves a lot of time, especially where microcontroller software-development (and not hardware design) is the focus of the exercise.
  • Debugging and analysis capabilities exist which would not otherwise be possible - such as "freezing" the circuit at a certain point in time in order to take measurements.

Further Info

For more information please contact us.


* Prices exclude VAT, and may be subject to the Rand/Pound exchange rate / change without notice.