is 2D CAD software capable of exporing DXF and HPGL (.plt) files.
The following elements are supported:
Point, Line, Arc, Circle, Rectangle, Polygon.
The following commands are supported:
Move, Rotate, Scale, Copy, Mirror, Offset, Polar Array, Radial Array, Path Array, Cut, Join, Trim, Extend, Fillet.
Extensive snapping functionality is available.
Commands may be executed via a command line and/or the mouse.
The Skeletons software was inspired by the Strandbeest "animals". "Skeletons" can be constructed, from "joints" and "bones", and then animated - in order to observe the effect that altering elements of the skeleton has on it's overall behaviour. In the screenshot on the right, a "leg" has been designed: a rotating entity drives a framework which results in a "stride" pattern (traced by the bottom joint of the design). The black joint is point-constrained (cannot move), and the joint on the right is constrained to a circular path. Elements of the skeleton may be modified, and the "stride" pattern is updated in real-time. In the stride trace; red indicates a higher speed of the joint, and green indicates a lower speed.
File Extension Changer is a small utility which enables the user to change file extensions easily. It integrates into the "Send To" section of the Windows Explorer context menu.