On-board ADXL345 Digital Accelerometer allows you to measure acceleration.
Audio connector
Quadrupole audio connector enable you to connect headphones with microphone to the audio codec chip and use it in your applications.
Battery Charger circuit
MCP73832 Battery Charger circuit enables you to charge your Li-Polymer battery directly from USB port.
Battery connector
Li-Polymer battery connector allows you easier connection with your battery. Autonomous power supply will give your mikromedia the wings it deserves.
Battery Indicator LED
Whenever your board charges the battery, this LED will glow in red. When it’s fully charged it will change to green. Handy, isn’t it?
Connection pads
Every unsused microcontroller pin is available through connection pads. They can be used to connect your mikromedia board with additional shields or accessory boards.
Reset Button
High quality reset button with surrounding reset circuitry ensures stable reset operation.
Infrared Receiver
IR receiver diode enables you to remotely control your device.
JTAG connector
Pads for connecting and programming the board with mikroProg for Stellaris external programmer.
High-performance Stellaris® ARM® Cortex™-M4 microcontoller with on-chip FPU and DSP easily handles demanding applications.
microSD card slot
microSD Card slot allows you to store large ammounts of data externally on microSD card using fast SPI communication.
Mounting Holes
Four mounting holes, one in each corner of the board, facilitate board integration.
Stereo Audio codec
VS1053 MPEG audio decoder with SPI interface for fast reproduction of Ogg Vorbis / MP3 / AAC / WMA / FLAC / MIDI audio files.
RF Transceiver
Nordic nRF24L01+ is a wireless ultra low power 2.4 GHz RF transceiver. It has a standard SPI interface.
ON/OFF Switch
Two position ON/OFF switch is a handy feature. It’s conveniently located right on the edge of the board.
Crystal Oscillator
8Mhz crystal oscillator circuit that provides external clock is connected to microcontroller osc pins.
PIN photosensor enables you to measure ambient light and respond by dimming or brightening up the screen backlight.
Piezo Buzzer
With piezo buzzer you can debug your applications, or have audio signalization feature. It can be connected to two digital output pins, one of which is the output of PWM module.
Power Terminals
You can easily provide necessary power supply using these power supply screw terminals.
Power LED
We have added power indicator LED, so you can be sure whether your board has stable power supply.
Active RF chip antenna
Active RF chip antenna for 2.4 GHz RF transceiver.
Front side features RGB LED which is useful for simple visual signalization.
RTC battery
Lithium polymer battery is providided for retaining data and powering internal Real-Time Clock module of the microcontroller.
RTCC Crystal Oscillator
Board contains 32.768kHz Crystal oscillator (X1) which provides external clock for internal RTCC module.
Serial Flash Memory
Store up to 8 Mbit of data in M25P80 Serial Flash Memory with 25 MHz SPI Bus Interface. It suports over 100,000 Erase/Program Cycles per Sector and has over 20 Year Data Retention.
Popular Solomon graphics controller SSD1963 handles the TFT display. It has built-in 1215K bytes frame buffer, Dynamic Backlight Control and many other cool features.
Temperature Sensor
Analog Temp. Sensor MCP9700A is used to measure temperature from -40ºC to 125ºC.
4.3" Touch Screen
480x272 Color TFT Display with Touch Panel can display vivid and clear color images or advanced graphic content.
Touch Screen Connector
Connector for the Touchscreen flat cable is located at the back of the board.
miniUSB connector
Microcontroler supports Full Speed and USB 2.0 OTG, so this connector allows you to communicate with a PC or other USB devices using USB connection.

Hover your mouse over different parts of the board in order to view the details up-close.