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Pi 3 Click Shield (for Rasberry Pi) (Up)

Pi 3 Click Shield (for Rasberry Pi) By adding two mikroBUS sockets to your Raspberry Pi 3, the Pi 3 click shield allows you to experiment with hundreds of click boards from mikroE's ever expanding range. WiFi, Lora, Bluetooth, GSM, GPS, RFID, OLED, speech recognition, environmental sensors, movement sensors, biosensors, LEDs, relays, - there are a lot to choose from! The Pi 3 click shield is compatible with Raspberry Pi 3 model B, 2 B, 1 A+ and B+.
R460  Qty:
Price ex. VAT. Est. Weight: 26g. Stock: Lead-time applicable [i]. mikroE Icon

Make your Raspberry Pi® compatible with click boards™

By adding two mikroBUS™ sockets to your Raspberry Pi 3, the Pi 3 click shield allows you to experiment with hundreds of click boards™  from mikroE's ever expanding range.
WiFi, Lora, Bluetooth, GSM, GPS, RFID, OLED, speech recognition, environmental sensors, movement sensors, biosensors, LEDs, relays, - there are a lot to choose from!

The Pi 3 click shield is compatible with Raspberry Pi 3 model B, 2 B, 1 A+ and B+. 

The shield has an onboard ADC which enables the measuring of the analog levels. Since the Raspberry Pi® doesn't have an analog pin on the expansion connector, by adding an ADC we've enabled the usage of any click board™ from our offer.
ADC onboard is MCP3204 12-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter from Microchip. It also has a switch selector which allows the pin on the mikroBUS™ to be directed to GPIO or to the ADC. Because of the reference voltage which is 4.096V, the ADC works on 5V, and since the Raspberry Pi® GPIO voltage level is 3.3V, voltage translator is needed. That's why we've included TXB0106 voltage translator from Texas Instruments.

This shield has two mikroBUS™ sockets so that you can add hundreds click boards™ from our ever expanding range.

The package includes single 2x20 female sockets and 2x12mmm distancer with 2 screws.

Software examples for click boards™ are available on Libstock, giving you a repository of working code - a great starting point for your own projects.

Pi 3 Model B pinout

Pi 3 Model B has the same layout as the Pi 1 Model A+, Pi 1 Model B+ and Pi 2 Model B.

Picture on the right shows Pi 3 click shield connected to the Raspberry Pi® 3 model B, picture on the left shows the connected shield along with two click boards™: Ozone 2 and GNSS 5 click.

Software demos 

Along with Pi 3 click shield, we are providing examples of usage for SPI, I2C and UART peripherals for our click boards™. They are written in Python programing language. There is also an example of usage for the ADC integrated on the Pi 3 shield.

More details about examples and examples code can be found on our Libstock and GitHub pages.
