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Mini-M4 for Stellaris (Go to Parent Category)

Mini-M4 for Stellaris MINI-M4 for Stellaris is a small ARM Cortex-M4 development board containing the LX4F320H5QR microcontroller. It is pin compatible with the PIC16F887 and PIC18(L)F45K20 microcontrontrollers and it perfectly fits into a standard DIP40 socket. The board is equipped with a 16MHz SMD crystal oscillator, as well as a 32.768KHz crystal which can be used for the internal RTCC module. It has a reset button and three signal LEDs. The board comes preprogrammed with fast USB HID bootloader, so no external programmers are needed for development. It operates on a 3.3V power supply. An on-board voltage regulator allows the board to be powered directly from the USB cable.
Price ex. VAT. Est. Weight: 5g. Stock: Out of stock [i]. mikroE Icon